Designed by Hans Hollein & Partner, the Tehran Stock Exchange aims to become a civic symbol that not only accommodates the stock exchange functions but also repents the practice in its entirety. As an architectural intervention, the buildings’ architectural nature allows it to become an identifiable structure within the urban fabric. The rectangular form of the office tower follows the homogenous surroundings, but the TSE’s façade is an innovative merger of two building envelope typologies and a strong contrast to any building in the vicinity: The window wall and the ceramic brick façade. The sensible placement of the TSE site in the north of Tehran represents a well thought out site location whereby the orthogonal structure of the city demands and architectural answer respecting its stringent parameter. Solving the architectural paradox of having a notable building that still respects its urban context was achieved by making use of the rectilinear site. By creating a simple architectural figuration we took a cube with a central core that is raise from a rectangular prism which it is situated on. With this simplicity the building still respects its urban context, but by lifting the cube from the platform it allows for the whole to develop a unique and memorable icon for the Stock exchange. Together with finer design details, such as the façade treatment, the design stays rooted the architectural tradition of Tehran.
英文名稱:Tehran Stock Exchange Competition Entry
建筑地址:伊朗 德黑蘭